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According to the customs law, the customs declaration is considered as the request to subject the goods to a customs regime by adhering to the determined rules and principles. In this context, the terms regime declaration and customs declaration in different parts of the Law have the same meaning. In other words, the declaration made to the customs administration with the request to subject the goods to any of the customs regimes is called a customs declaration. Customs declaration, the entry into free circulation, transit, customs warehouse, customs bonded warehouse, inward processing, processing under customs control or temporary importation of goods brought to the customs territory of Turkey, as well as the provisions of the export or outward processing regime of goods in free circulation are also treated as customs declaration. Therefore, the customs declaration deals not only with the regime declaration made for non-free circulation goods presented to customs, but also with the declaration made for free circulation goods presented to customs for export.
Customs declaration
- Customs declaration features
- Customs declaration inquiry
Customs Declaration
A customs declaration is a document submitted to the customs authorities of a country and used in international trade. By filling out the customs declaration, a person or company that is exporting or importing reports the details of the goods or services it is importing or exporting and provides the information required for the calculation of customs duties, customs clearance of the goods and obtaining the appropriate permits. On the other hand, this document contains important information such as the correct classification of the goods, determination of their value and calculation of customs duties. The declaration usually contains detailed information on the nature of the goods, quantity, value, country of origin, method of transportation, place of customs clearance and documents.
The customs declaration helps customs authorities to regulate the entry and exit of goods and services into and out of the country. It also ensures compliance with customs legislation and international trade rules. In addition, it is used to check compliance with certain regulations, such as consumer health, safety and environmental standards. The customs declaration ensures that customs procedures are carried out efficiently and customs duties are collected correctly. In other words, it is also used as an important source for compiling trade statistics and formulating international trade policies. This declaration is an important document in the regulation of international trade and is a legal requirement for exporters and importers. Submitting an accurate and complete declaration ensures smooth customs clearance and contributes to the safe and fair conduct of trade.
What Information is Required for the Customs Declaration?
The customs legislation determines what information the written customs declaration will contain and how it will be filled in. The information required for the customs declaration may vary slightly depending on import, export and transportation. However, in essence, you are requested to provide information such as between whom the goods are traded, how they are transported, if there are necessary permits, whether these permits have been obtained, the amount and value of the goods. The information required for export is as follows:
- Declaration
- Shipper / Exporter
- Forms (in case of more than one item of goods)
- Loading Lists (in case of more than one item)
- Number of items (Total number of goods)
- Number of containers
- Reference number
- Recipient (Recipient person or company name)
- Person in charge (name, surname and tax number of the financial advisor or independent accountant)
- Country of first destination (with country code)
- Trading country
- Agricultural policies
Other requested information is as follows:
- Country of origin
- Country of destination (The country of last destination of the goods)
- Identity and country of registration of the vehicle to be used
- Container
- Delivery method
- Currency and total invoice
- Exchange rate
- Information on the vehicle at the border
- Mode of transport information
- Loading location
- Financial and banking information
- Customs administration information
- Location of the goods
- Description of containers and utensils
- Item code
- Gross weight
- Regime
- Net weight
- Place and date
- Tax account
Customs Declaration Inquiry
A customs declaration inquiry is a procedure used by customs authorities or relevant agencies to obtain information about or verify a customs declaration. The steps followed are as follows:
You can make an inquiry online. In many countries, customs declaration inquiries can be made online. You need to access the official website of the customs authority and log in to the inquiry section.
You can make an inquiry by entering the declaration number and other information. For the inquiry process, you will need a unique number of the customs declaration. This number is indicated on the declaration. You may also need to enter other relevant information required by the customs authority, such as the name of the exporter or importer, date range, etc.
After entering the information, the query process is started and the results are displayed on the screen. These results include whether the declaration is valid, the accuracy and compliance of the declared goods or services, whether the duties on the declaration have been paid and whether other customs procedures have been completed.
The results of the inquiry usually include detailed information about the declaration. This information may include the classification of the goods, value, quantity, country of origin, amount of customs duties, presence of permits, etc. This information should be examined to verify the accuracy and compliance of the declared goods or services.
If you think there is an error or inaccuracy in the results of the inquiry, it is important to contact the customs authority. Contact information with the relevant authority is usually included next to the results of the inquiry. You can contact the customs authority to correct errors or request additional information.
The customs declaration inquiry is crucial to ensure the accuracy and transparency of customs clearance. With this process, you can ensure the security of trade and proceed with the right information.